Member exclusive deal
Set up special offers and exclusive deals for your top-tier customers, helping you nurture loyalty and reward your most dedicated shoppers.
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Set up special offers and exclusive deals for your top-tier customers, helping you nurture loyalty and reward your most dedicated shoppers.
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This feature is available for: Advanced and Enterprise plans.
The Member Exclusive Deal feature is a specialized marketing tool that creates exclusive shopping benefits for loyalty program members directly on your product pages. This feature displays special perks to members while encouraging non-members to join your loyalty program by showcasing the benefits they could unlock.
Member Exclusive Deal is a new feature designed to enhance the shopping experience on your product pages. This feature offers special benefits such as Discount Amount, Discount Percentage, Free Shipping, and Bonus Points to all users participating in your loyalty program. For non-members, the Member Exclusive Deal section encourages them to join the loyalty program to unlock these perks.
Navigate to the Joy Loyalty dashboard and choose Membership
Go to Member exclusive deal and click on Setup
In the Member Exclusive Deal settings, there are two sections for you to configure: Deal settings and Design
Deal settings:
Select the reward for members and set active dates
Active dates: Duration of the exclusive deal reward.
Setup deal: Name the program, select the type of discount, and set the discount value.
Applicable categories: Choose the products eligible for the exclusive deal rewards.
Combinations: Configure the combination of discounts.
Customize the design settings and preview how the Exclusive Deal bar will appear on your product page with these options:
Action text
Call to action
Text font and size
Button icon
Color setup
Once satisfied with the design, save your changes and select "Go to theme" to activate it.
On the left sidebar, add block on Apps section
Select Joy: Exclusive Deal
Click Save to add "Member exclusive deal" bar to your storefront
After you add the Point Calculator to your product page, Exclusive deal bar will default to the bottom of the page.
Adjust its position by dragging the Exclusive deal bar card and dropping it into the desired location.