Tier Privileges
Unlock exclusive tier benefits for your loyalty program members
This feature is available for: Advanced, Enterprise plans.
Tier Privileges (Perks) allow merchants to offer exclusive rewards to customers based on their loyalty tier. These rewards can include discounts, free shipping, free products, and bonus points.
By setting up Tier Privileges, you can create a personalized experience for your customers and motivate them to reach higher tiers. This feature helps increase customer retention and engagement, driving more sales.
Why do you need Tier Privileges (Perks)?
Implementing Tier Privileges in your loyalty program offers several compelling benefits for both your business and your customers. Here are key reasons why you should set up Tier Privileges:
Increased Customer Retention: Encourages loyalty and repeat purchases.
Boosted Sales: Incentivizes frequent and larger transactions.
Enhanced Customer Engagement: Fosters a sense of belonging and appreciation.
Competitive Differentiation: Offers unique benefits that set your brand apart.
Higher Customer Satisfaction: Improves overall shopping experience.
Understanding the Rules
Tier Privileges are set by the merchant and can include one or more rewards. Once a member reaches a specific tier, all their orders automatically receive the associated benefits. Here's a quick breakdown:
Select Rewards: Merchants choose rewards like discounts, free shipping, products, or bonus points.
Automatic Application: Once a member reaches a tier, selected rewards are automatically applied to all future orders.
Comparing with Tier Entry Rewards
1. What is Tier Entry Rewards
"Entry rewards" are incentives given to customers when they join a loyalty program or reach a new tier, designed to boost engagement and retention with immediate benefits. "Entry rewards" are valid for one-time use only.
2. The difference between Tier Privileges and Tier New Entry Rewards
The key difference is that Tier Privileges offer ongoing benefits for all purchases once a tier is reached, while Tier New Entry Rewards provide one-time incentives when customers reach a new tier. Privileges encourage long-term loyalty, while Entry Rewards offer immediate incentives.
How to Set up Tier Privileges
Open Membership, choose VIP Tiers -> Tiers, and choose the Tier you want to add Tier Privileges -> Select Add Reward.
Select the previlege reward
Discount Amount: this discount amount reward will be automatically applied to all customer orders
Discount Percentage: Customers will receive an X% discount code, this will be automatically applied to all customer orders
Free Shipping: Customers will receive a free shipping discount code for their orders
Free Product: Customers will receive a free product with each purchase
Bonus Points: Customers will receive bonus points each time they successfully place an order
Custom reward: set up a custom reward that you want to give your customer
Important Note
1. Combinate discounts
When you use the combinations feature with privileges rewards, for order discounts, if there are more than two discount programs, only the one with the highest discount will be applied.
Example: A gold-tier member will enjoy privileges including a 10% discount, $10 off, and free shipping. So, when this member purchases an order worth $200, they will receive a $20 discount (10% off) and free shipping
2. Set up a maximum of privileges rewards
Currently, you can set up a maximum of 5 privileges rewards across all tiers. This means the total number of privileges rewards from all tiers cannot exceed 5.
Implementing Tier Privileges boosts your loyalty program by offering tailored rewards that drive customer engagement and repeat purchases. This guide will help you set up and manage these privileges, enhancing the experience for your loyal customers.
Last updated
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