Getting started with referral campaigns

Learn how to set up and customize referral campaigns with Joy Loyalty. Reward referrers and referees, customize popups, and grow your community with ease.


Besides rewarding customer loyalty, you can also grow your community through referral campaigns. By encouraging your existing customers to refer friends, you create an opportunity for them to become advocates for your brand, helping to bring in new customers. With the Joy Loyalty Program, setting up and managing referral campaigns is quite straightforward. In this guide, we’ll show you how to launch your first referral campaign that not only rewards customers but also helps expand your community.

Setting Up Rewards for Referees and Referrers

When setting up your referral campaign, you can choose the rewards for both the referrers (customers making the referral) and the referees (new customers). Both can receive points, percentage coupons, or a fixed-amount discount. By default, a 10% coupon is applied to each party.

  • Referee Reward: Set up the reward for the friend who is referred. The default is a 10% coupon, but you can customize it to offer points or a fixed discount.

  • Referrer Reward: Define the reward for the customer who makes the referral. Like the referee, you can offer points, percentage-based coupons, or amount-off discounts.

Referral Redirection URL

After a successful referral, the referred customer will be redirected to a specific page on your store. By default, this URL is set to your homepage, but you can modify it to redirect customers to any page you prefer, such as a product landing page or a promotional offer.

Customizing the Branding for Referral Popups

To ensure the referral experience matches your store’s branding, Joy allows full customization of the referral popups. You can edit the text, colors, and fonts in three parts of the referral flow:

  • Referral Popup: Customize the welcome message that invites customers to refer friends.

  • Referral Rewards Popup: Adjust the messaging around the rewards being offered for successful referrals.

  • Referral Success Popup: Edit the confirmation message shown after a referral is completed.

The dynamic variable will reflect your referral program settings. So in case you want a fixed string, you manually translate it, and then you are free to customize it completely.

Referral Widget Setup

By default, a bubble teaser appears above the floating widget icon to prompt customers to refer friends. You can either keep this teaser active or hide it and rely solely on the main widget for the referral process, depending on how prominent you want the referral feature to be.

If you prefer not to use the dedicated referral floating button, you can rely on the main floating widget, which already includes a section for referrals.

By using the main widget, you can hide the referral button entirely, allowing your customers to naturally explore the referral option when they’re ready to become advocates for your brand.

Launch it

Once you are ready, you can start publishing the referral program by enabling it. This will start showing the referral program inside the floating widget and also the referral widget if you configure it to show.

Make sure to check if the App Pixel is connected in the Settings > Customer Events. If you are using the new Checkout extensibility, you will need to have this custom pixel connected. However, if you are still using the legacy thank you page, then we will use the Script tag to track the referral, so the Pixel here will be disconnected by default.

How the program runs

See how the referral flow works in the following post:

Referral flow explained


Can I have more than 1 referral campaign?

No, currently you cannot. We only support one campaign at the moment.

No, at the moment you cannot. We will soon update a version allowing you to use your store's domain for the referral link.

It seems short, but don't worry. There would be over 60 million combinations possible.

Last updated