Managing referrals with tags

Learn how to manage referral campaigns with tags and attributes in Joy. Easily track, segment, and search orders and customers to optimize your referral program.


Efficiently managing referral data is key to understanding the impact of your campaigns. With Joy’s referral program, you can seamlessly apply tags and attributes to both Shopify orders and customers, helping you track and organize referral activities with ease. This integration ensures that all referral-related information is managed effectively between Joy and Shopify, making it easier to optimize and analyze your campaigns.

Order tags and attributes

Orders generated through the referral program will automatically be tagged with "Joy Referral" in Shopify Orders, allowing you to quickly identify which sales resulted from referrals.

Additionally, you can add Joy note attributes to orders, providing detailed context about the referral, such as which customer made the referral and any other relevant data. These attributes offer more insight into the referral process, making it easier to track and manage referred orders.

Customer Tags and Attributes

The customer tagging and attribute system allows you to track and segment customers participating in your referral program:

  • Customer Referral Tags: New customers acquired through a referral are automatically tagged with "Joy Referral" in Shopify. This allows you to quickly identify customers who were referred and tailor your marketing strategies to this group.

  • Customer Referee Tags: Customers who refer others are tagged with "Joy Referee", making it easy to identify and reward your most loyal advocates.

With these tags and attributes, you can effortlessly segment and search your customer base, enabling targeted marketing campaigns, personalized communication, and better overall customer management. The integration between Joy and Shopify ensures that this data is updated in real-time, providing a clear and organized view of your referral network.


By leveraging tags and attributes, you can easily manage, segment, and search referral data across your Shopify store. This streamlined approach between Joy and Shopify helps you gain deeper insights into customer behavior, optimize referral campaigns, and enhance your overall customer engagement.

Last updated