Point Calculator

This article shows how to add point calculator to your store.

Who can use Point Calculator?

  • This feature is available for: Professional, Advanced, Enterprise users.

Hello our valued customers πŸ˜„ Joy's Point Calculator is a powerful tool to boost customer engagement and loyalty. By using Potential point calculator, your customers will be able to see the number of points earned by buy an item. In this guide, we'll show you how to set up and customize the Point Calculator, enhancing your store's loyalty program. Let's get started!

Understanding the rules

  • When a customer clicks on a product, a line will appear on the product page displaying the number of points the customer will receive if they purchase the product.

  • This number of points is automatically displayed based on the product's price.

Step 1: Open Point calculator Setting

On the left menu of Joy, go to Branding > Point calculator > Setup.

Next, please turn on the Point Calculator. In the settings of the Point Calculator, there are two sections: the Position of the Point Calculator and the Design Settings of the Point Calculator.

  • Position of the Point Calculator: Choose the location of the Point Calculator on the product information page.

  • Design Settings of the Point Calculator: Customize the appearance of the point calculator:

    • Text font

    • Text size

    • Icon

    • Icon color

    • Text color

To set up the point calculator, customize the design to fit your preferences, then choose the position for the point calculator. We will guide you through with an example shown in the image below.

First, I customize the design of the point calculator with the following settings: Text font: Inherit; Text size: 14; Icon: πŸŽ‰; Icon Color: Black #000000; Text Color: Black #000000.

After choosing a design that suits the store, save the design and click "Go to theme" to select the position where the point calculator will appear.

Step 2: Set the position of the Point Calculator in the theme settings

After clicking "Go to theme," you will be directed to the Shopify theme settings page. At this point, select any product to open its product details page. In the image, I have chosen "3 Decorative Glass Vases Set."

On the left sidebar, in the template settings, select "Add block" -> Choose "Apps" -> Select "Joy: Point calculator".

Note: After you add the Point Calculator to your product page, Point Calculator will default to the bottom of the page. Adjust its position by dragging the Point Calculator card and dropping it into the desired location.

After completing the setup, the Point Calculator will be displayed as shown in the image below. If you are satisfied with the design and position, click "Save." You have successfully added the Point Calculator to your store.

If you have any question, feel free to reach out to our support team on livechat or email us support@avada.io. Happy supporting!

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Last updated