Place subscription
Set up and optimize the Place subscription rewards in your Shopify store’s loyalty program
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Set up and optimize the Place subscription rewards in your Shopify store’s loyalty program
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This feature is available in All plans
Place subscription feature is a core component of Joy Loyalty that allows you to reward customers for their purchases. It automatically assigns points or rewards to customers when they complete an order on your store, based on rules you define.
Place subscription rewards are a key component of your loyalty program, rewarding customers every time they make a purchase. This not only incentivizes repeat purchases but also helps build long-term loyalty by offering something extra each time a customer places an order.
Select Place subscription program that you want change rules
Set up Rule information:
Start date and end date: Set up your program duration
Rounding method: Choose how you want subscription handled when multiple rules exist
Priority: The higher number represents the lower priority
Set up Reward rule
Start when: Your program starts when someone placed subscription
Check if: Set up and select condition type for your program
You can add additional conditions by clicking on Add criteria
Action: Choose your reward method
Based on Customer spending amount: Each time a customer makes a purchase, they earn points proportional to the amount they spend
Fixed Points per subscription: Offer a fixed number of points for every subscription
Make sure to use the correct logic to ensure that your conditions work as intended
Protect your program by Anti-cheat settings
Click Turn on
Maximum Earning Points By This Rule: Set max points customers can earn from this rule
Set earning points limit: Limit how often points can be earned
Automatically revoke points for cancelled/refunded subscription
Save to apply your changes
What currency do you use to calculate the points rewards?
We work with the store's main currency which works in your Shopify admin.
All points will be converted to the main currency and then the reward rate will be implemented to this total amount.
Are shipping and taxes included in the calculation of points rewarded?
If you choose the reward customer on the amount they spent as below, then it is: no, they are not.
We will only add up the total price of the products matching the conditions (you can whitelist some of the products out of the program) in the order.