Generate Loyalty page

Who can use Loyalty Page?

  • Basic features are available for: Free users.

  • Enhanced features are available for: Professional, Advanced, Enterprise users.


Greetings! Welcome to the exciting world of our Loyalty Program. This is where you can introduce your unique Loyalty Program to your customers, attract new members, and engage them in a fun and rewarding way!

With our Joy Loyalty embedded content, you have the power to add multiple blocks to your Loyalty Page. Each block serves a unique purpose, allowing you to tailor the page to your specific needs. Let's dive in and explore how you can make the most of this feature!

Creating Your Loyalty Page and Adding Your First Block​

Step 1: To kick things off, please navigate to the 'Embedded Content' on your left menu. Once there, click on 'Generate Loyalty Page'. You're on your way!

Step 1

Step 2: A blank Loyalty Page will be generated for you. You will then be redirected to your Online Store editor. Here, click on 'Apps' on the left menu and add the 'Hero Banner Block'.

Step 3: Voila! The Joy Hero Banner block is added! You can find all the settings on your right menu.

Step 3

Step 4: To create a fully functional Loyalty Page, we recommend adding the following blocks: β€œJoy How it works” block, β€œJoy Way to earn” and β€œJoy way to redeem” block.

Step 5: Some blocks require you to manage their settings inside the Joy Loyalty Program application. For instance, with the β€œJoy Way to redeem” block, you'll need to head back to your Joy Loyalty Program to set up your 'Way to earn' block. Navigate to 'Embedded content', then 'Loyalty blocks' (on your left menu) and you will find the 'Way to earn' block.

Step 5

Step 6: In this example, you can set up the order of each way to redeem, and turn them ON or OFF.

Step 7: Once you're done with the settings, click on 'View theme editor' to preview your settings.

Wrapping Up​

And there you have it! You've successfully created a vibrant and engaging Loyalty Page for your customers. Remember, the key to a successful Loyalty Program is engagement, so make sure your page is inviting and easy to use. Happy customizing!

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Last updated