Customers reviews


Managing reviews is a crucial aspect of running a store, as it's directly tied to the reward points that we give to our valued customers. Moreover, it allows you, the store admin, to gauge the effectiveness of your reward programs.

Our Avada Loyalty Program app is designed to make this process a breeze for you. It allows you to manage submitted reviews effortlessly, eliminating the worry about false reviews or spam. If you're curious about how it works, please allow us to guide you through it.

On the left menu, please select Activities > Reviews activities > View all reviews activities. Here, you'll find all the reviews written by your customers. As an admin, you can read these reviews and decide whether they are acceptable or not by choosing either the 'approved' or 'disapproved' option.

Once a review is approved, your customers will receive reward points. However, if a review is disapproved, no points will be added to the customer's balance.

How to configure automatic or manual approval for reviewsโ€‹

This setting within our Joy: Loyalty Program app will help you to approve reviews either automatically or manually.

To access this setting, please go to Settings > General > Default status for review.

  • Default status for reviews: Here, you can select either 'Pending' or 'Approve', then click 'Save'. This will configure your preference for automatic or manual review approval.

  • Pending: With this setting, the admin needs to manually approve reviews before customers can receive reward points.

  • Approval: With this setting, customers will receive points immediately after submitting their reviews.

If you have any further questions or concerns about our Joy: Loyalty Program, please don't hesitate to reach out to us by submitting a ticket or sending an email to We're always here and more than happy to support your business.

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Last updated