Google Reviews πŸ†•

This article shows how you can set up Google Maps Review Reward.

Who can use Google Reviews Reward?

  • This feature is available for: All users.


Let's explore and set up this exciting reward together!

Understanding the rules

To earn points through the Google Reviews feature, customers need to follow these steps:

  • Visit the Store's Google Maps Page: Customers navigate to your store's Google Maps page.

  • Leave a Review: Customers write and post their review of your store.

  • Submit the Review Link: Customers copy the link to their review and submit it through the Joy widget.

  • Approval Process: The merchant reviews the submitted review. If it's deemed valid, the customer receives the earning points.

Merchants have the option to enable instant points, providing customers with a small number of points immediately upon submission of the review link.

How to set up?

Step 1: Navigate to Joy Loyalty dashboard and choose Reward programs -> Earn programs -> Choose Add more -> Choose Google Reviews.

Step 2: Configure Google Maps Review Information:

  • Program Name: Set your program name; Default: Google Reviews.

  • Your Location: Enter the link to your store’s location on Google Maps.

  • Program Rule: Set the number of points customers will receive after reviewing your store location on Google Maps. If the merchant enables the instant points feature, customers will receive instant points immediately after submitting their review.

Step 3: Edit Content Guide: Customize the content guide to instruct customers on how to properly review and earn points. We provide a template for guidance, we will automatically replace [Your store name] at the end of the guide. Alternatively, you can personalize the content according to your preferences.

Note: Differences Between Earning Points and Instant Points

Both types of points aim to encourage customer engagement and reviews, but they operate on different timelines and conditions.

Approve/Reject Customers' Review

After your customers leave a review on Google Maps and submit it, you can track these reviews by navigating to the Activities section and approve or reject them directly from the Google Reviews Submissions panel.


Setting up the Google Reviews feature is a great way to engage your customers and encourage them to share their experiences with your store. By following the simple setup steps, you can start rewarding your customers for their valuable feedback and enhance their loyalty to your brand.

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Last updated